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Old 03-10-2009, 02:57 PM
Giant Nontypical
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Default RE: A prayer request for Levi .... ***UPDATED Page 5***

Just in ..............

TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2009 06:39 PM,CDT

Levi is still inpatient at Roswell, and it's been a very rough few days for him. It seems like everything has been a struggle, and he is physically just not feeling well at all. While praying for his body to get stronger and his blood counts to come back up, please keep his emotional health in prayer too. When he's feeling so poorly, it can be pretty overwhelming and discouraging.

As of today, he has still been running fevers on and off, and he can't even think about leaving the hospital and coming home until he has been fever-free for 24 hours. So the time just keeps dragging on. The preliminary blood cultures did not grow any bacteria, but that leaves a mystery as to what is making him so sick. One theory is possibly flu, since he just feels so awful, and also because Anna is sick at home with that. The docs were able to run more tests today that should give some answers as to exactly what is going on.

So please just keep the whole family in prayer - for Anna to feel better, for Frank and Alisa to stay healthy and juggle two sick kiddos, and for the strength to get through minute by minute. It's been a pretty overwhelming few days. Also, we got word that Levi will begin his radiation treatments on Monday, and we would really like to see him get a little stronger and have a few days rest at home before starting those treatments.

Thanks for your prayers and support - it means so much!

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