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Old 02-17-2009, 08:32 AM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: Baiting with deer corn

ORIGINAL: Kybuckhunter

The "purest" that hunt from a treestand, in his sentlock suit, over a food plot, where he has multiple game cams, and using his new 80% letoff bow or high powered rifle think they are the only ones doing it "right".

Unless you are stalking a deer in a loin cloth with a spear you are taking advantage of the animal in some way. Were you draw the line is all up to you. You can make hunting as easy or hard as you like but thats up to each person to decide. Just because one person likes to hunt a certain way doesnt mean thats the only way. So unless you are the one in the loin cloth don't preach to me on whats fair.....
Thank you!! Youhave people on here that saying baiting ishunting but these are the same peole who use scent free clothing, 80% let off bows 50 ft in the air!! Ive huntedwith and without bait many times in my life (Depending on what state I am in) and can tell you that bothare challenging in there own way.

I agree with you, if you kill a deer with a spear in a loin cloth, then you are truly hunting.Any other way you are using an unfair advantage. Let people hunt the way they want toand as long as its legal stopping preaching to others that their way is cheating. Everyone who says its unfairneeds stop whining and let people hunt the way legally are allowed to.
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