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Old 01-10-2009, 04:45 PM
halfrack VIII
Typical Buck
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Default RE: Baiting with deer corn

ORIGINAL: srwshooter

you guys that legally hunt over bait go right ahead ,but i don't call it hunting . in va. it is illegal to bait deer feed deer after sept1. when you don't own land to hunt on and hunt small tracks of land and landowners around you have feeders up all during the season it doesn't take long to get pi$$ed off about the feeding. our game commision does not enforce these laws very often. we had a guy last yr. braggin that he had 50plus deer in his yard daily while we couldn't find one on property next to it. and this guy doesn't hunt ,ever. but claims 'THERE HIS DEER".this year i know of 8 property owners that fed deer thru the season near land i hunt. the only chance you have to kill them is during the rut when they get stupid,after that you are lucky to see a deer.if you guys had to put up with this crap YOU WOULD SOON UNDERSTAND .

what gets me is,every store you go to has bait by the truck loads for sale. this year a friend printed up some cards that tell people that feeding is illegal and put them up on landowners fence post just so they knew they were watched. i don't think anyone listened.

its the same argument as high fences,to me when you build a high fence you should run ALL GAME off your property before you close the gate,then stock your farm animals on your farm. if you want alter the natural growth of your animals then do so,but leave my wild animals alone............i'll hunt them and really feel like i did something other then killing a NAMED DEER I RAISED. the thrill to me is hunting where i don't know what may show up.

most guys that hunt over bait have fell into the industry pushed thought that you must kill a monster buck.i think tv shows about baiting and highfence hunting has ruined our sport.real hunters soon will not exist.
have you ever hunted over any form of crop?
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