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Old 12-30-2008, 08:11 AM
Fork Horn
Bigg~BirddVA's Avatar
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Posts: 466
Default RE: SC Stakeholder Report on Hounds

Well supposedly VDGIF was to make a peace treaty. Instead they loaded the deck with just one side and said "fixed". This isn't over how one hunts it's over one side running over the other time and time again. Is it all of them? No. Is it a lot? Yes. Is the problem going to get beter or worse? Can it go on forever without the obvious being done? Does a soultion exist that is working in other states? Yes.

I'm tired of it. The land I lease was overrun with dogs yesterday and the local HC. Is that fair to me that their recreation takes precedence over mine? The nature of dog hunting untethered without bounds or limits is to interfere with others. Most of us are just asking for equal consideration. Since the HC won't do it on their own it's exculated to the point it's at now. Somethings got to give sooner or later.
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