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Old 12-26-2008, 02:48 PM
Typical Buck
youngfart's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Edmonton Alberta Canada
Posts: 945
Default RE: Need a nice safety harness!!


I've used a one strap belt for the last 14 years and am going try

Treehopper Climbing Belt #164 out this upcomming season. Looks to be very strong and also to me, it looks to be wayless bulky and there's nothing to make noise. I just need to wait till Jeff gets them back in stock. Go to his site and check it out@ Best of luck.

The Treehopper was also designed to be used as a safety belt that allows quick and easy adjustability along with high strength. And, the Treehopper can also be used as a deer drag. Anchored at your hips through the "D" rings the weight of the animal is where your strength is, not over your shoulders which can cause lower back strain.

Lightweight yet incredibly strong, the Treehopper is manufactured to exacting standards by craftsmen in the good ol' U.S.A. Here is what makes the Treehopper the strongest and most practical belt you can find:
Belt: The belt material is two-ply O.D. green nylon, military style webbing that is rated over 4,500 lbs. It is double reinforced at the "D"rings. The belt is machine sewn with heavy duty nylon thread.
Cord: The cord is manufactured with 1/2" hollow-braid polyproplylene, rated at 3,250 lbs.
Safety latch/hook: The hook is high quality steel, drop forged and rated at 5,000 lbs. It is equipped with a spring-loaded safety latch that insure the hook will not accidentally detach from the "D" ring.
"D" rings: The "D" rings are welded high quality stainless steel to maximize safety.
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var alert_msg = '';

// variants array:
// 0 - array:
// 0 -taxed price
// 1 - quantity
// 2 - variantid if variant have thumbnail
// 3 - weight
// 4 - original price (without taxes)
// 1 - array: varinat options as classid => optionid
// 2 - array: taxes as taxid => tax amount
var variants = new Array();
variants[0] = new Array(new Array(46.95, 3, '', '3.00', 46.95), new Array(), new Array());
variants[0][1][695] = 1072;
variants[1] = new Array(new Array(46.95, 0, '', '3.00', 46.95), new Array(), new Array());
variants[1][1][695] = 1073;
variants[2] = new Array(new Array(46.95, 2, '', '3.00', 46.95), new Array(), new Array());
variants[2][1][695] = 1074;

// modifiers array: as clasid => array: as optionid => array:
// 0 - price_modifier
// 1 - modifier_type
// 2 - taxes array: as taxid => tax amount
var modifiers = new Array();
// names array: as classid => class name
var names = new Array();
names[695] = "Choose Size";

// taxes array: as taxid => tax amount
var taxes = new Array();

// exceptions array: as exctionid => array: as clasid => optionid
var exceptions = new Array();

// product_wholesale array: as id => array:
// 0 - quantity
// 1 - next quantity
// 2 - taxed price
// 3 - taxes array: as taxid => tax amount
// 4 - original price (without taxes)
var product_wholesale = new Array();

var exception_msg = "Warning! This combination of variants of the product options cannot be selected!";
var txt_out_of_stock = "Out of stock";
var pconf_price = 0
var default_price = 46.95;
var currency_symbol = "$";
var alter_currency_symbol = "";
var alter_currency_rate = 0.87;
var image_dir = "/store/image.php?productid=&variantid=";
var txt_no = "No";
var list_price = 46.95;
var price = 46.95;
var orig_price = 46.95;
var current_taxes = new Array();
var mq = 50;
var dynamic_save_money_enabled = 'N';
var is_unlimit = 'N';

function check_options() {
var x, cnt, flag, c, t, select_avail;
var local_taxes = new Array();

for(t in taxes)
local_taxes[t] = taxes[t];
price = default_price;

// Find variant
for(x = 0; x 0)
price = pconf_price;

// Find modifiers
var add_price = 0;
for(x in modifiers) {
if(document.getElementById('po'+x).value) {
if(modifiers[x][document.getElementById('po'+x).value]) {
add_price += parseFloat(modifiers[x][document.getElementById('po'+x).value][1] == '$'?modifiers[x][document.getElementById('po'+x).value][0]price*modifiers[x][document.getElementById('po'+x).value][0]/100));
for(t in local_taxes) {
if(modifiers[x][document.getElementById('po'+x).value][2][t]) {
local_taxes[t] = parseFloat(local_taxes[t])+parseFloat(modifiers[x][document.getElementById('po'+x).value][1] == '$'?modifiers[x][document.getElementById('po'+x).value][2][t]orig_price*modifiers[x][document.getElementById('po'+x).value][0]/100*modifiers[x][document.getElementById('po'+x).value][2][t]/100));
price += add_price;

// Update taxes
for(t in local_taxes) {
document.getElementById('tax_'+t).innerHTML = currency_symbol+price_format(local_taxes[t], 2);
current_taxes[t] = local_taxes[t];

// Update form elements
// Update price
document.getElementById('product_price').innerHTML = currency_symbol+price_format(price, 2);
// Update alt. price
if(alter_currency_rate > 0 && alter_currency_symbol != "" && document.getElementById('product_alt_price'))
document.getElementById('product_alt_price').inner HTML = "("+alter_currency_symbol+" "+price_format(price*alter_currency_rate, 2)+")";
// Update Save %
if(document.getElementById('save_percent') && list_price > 0 && dynamic_save_money_enabled == 'Y') {
if(price 0 && avail > mq) || is_unlimit == 'Y')
avail = mq;

// Update product quantity
document.getElementById('product_avail_txt').inner HTML = ((avail > 0)?(flag?availroduct_avail):txt_no);
select_avail = min_avail;
// Update product quantity selector
if(document.getElementById('product_avail')) {
if(document.getElementById('product_avail').option s) {
if(!isNaN(min_avail) && !isNaN(avail)) {
var first_value = -1;
if(document.getElementById('product_avail').option s[0])
first_value = document.getElementById('product_avail').options[0].value;
if(first_value == min_avail) {
if((avail-min_avail+1) != document.getElementById('product_avail').options.l ength) {
if(document.getElementById('product_avail').option s.length > avail) {
cnt = document.getElementById('product_avail').options.l ength;
for(x = avail; x 0)
document.getElementById('product_avail').options[0] = null;
cnt = 0;
for(x = min_avail; x avail))

// Check exceptions
var ex_flag = check_exceptions();
if(!ex_flag && (alert_msg == 'Y'))

document.getElementById('exception_msg').innerHTML = (ex_flag?'':exception_msg+"


return true;

function check_exceptions() {
var x, cnt;

for(x in exceptions) {
flag = true;
if(exceptions[x].length != names.length)
for(c in exceptions[x])
if(document.getElementById('po'+c).value != exceptions[x][c]) {
flag = false;
return false;
return true;

function price_format(price, precision) {
var x, cnt, top, botom;
precision = Math.pow(10, precision);
price = Math.round(price*precision)/precision;
top = Math.floor(price);
bottom = Math.round((price-top)*precision)+precision;
top = top+"";
bottom = bottom+"";
cnt = 0;
for(x = top.length; x >= 0; x--) {
if(cnt%3 == 0 && cnt > 0 && x > 0)
top = top.substr(0,x)+","+top.substr(x,top.length);
price = top+"."+bottom.substr(1,bottom.length);
return price;

function product_option(classid) {
if(!isNaN(classid)) {
return document.getElementById(classid);
} else if(names) {
var x;
for(x in names) {
if(names[x] == classid) {
if(document.getElementById('po'+x)) {
return document.getElementById('po'+x);
return false;

function check_wholesale(qty) {
var x, wl_price, t, found;
var wl_taxes = new Array();

if(product_wholesale.length == 0)
return true;

wl_taxes = current_taxes;

wl_price = price;
found = false;
for(x = 0; x = qty || product_wholesale[x][1] == 0)) {
wl_price = product_wholesale[x][2];
wl_taxes = product_wholesale[x][3];
found = true;
document.getElementById('wp'+x).innerHTML = currency_symbol+price_format(price-default_price+product_wholesale[x][2], 2);

if(found) {
document.getElementById('product_price').innerHTML = currency_symbol+price_format(price-default_price+wl_price, 2);
if(alter_currency_rate > 0 && alter_currency_symbol != "" && document.getElementById('product_alt_price'))
document.getElementById('product_alt_price').inner HTML = "("+alter_currency_symbol+" "+price_format((price-default_price+wl_price)*alter_currency_rate, 2)+")";
for(x in taxes)
if(document.getElementById('tax_'+x) && current_taxes[x])
document.getElementById('tax_'+x).innerHTML = currency_symbol+price_format(current_taxes[x]-taxes[x]+wl_taxes[x], 2);
} else {
document.getElementById('product_price').innerHTML = currency_symbol+price_format(price, 2);
if(alter_currency_rate > 0 && alter_currency_symbol != "" && document.getElementById('product_alt_price'))
document.getElementById('product_alt_price').inner HTML = "("+alter_currency_symbol+" "+price_format(price*alter_currency_rate, 2)+")";
for(x in taxes)
if(document.getElementById('tax_'+x) && current_taxes[x])
document.getElementById('tax_'+x).innerHTML = currency_symbol+price_format(current_taxes[x], 2);

return true;

function product_options(name) {
var x;
for(x in names)
if(names[x] == name) {
if(document.getElementById('po'+x)) {
var obj = document.getElementById('po'+x);
return (obj.type == 'select-one')?obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].textbj.value;
return false;

Choose Size
Medium (24-34) Large (34-44) X-Large (44-54)


var min_avail = 1;
var avail = 6-1;
var product_avail = 5;

1 2 3

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