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Old 12-19-2008, 10:19 PM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,978
Default RE: Rifle season 2008 is history

""You said again and again that herd health and reproduction had declined. you have not proven any such thing because it's simply not true.

I'll help you out a little: ""

Ha ha ha. BTB, thats really funny. You claim it isnt true, yet provide our very link that proves it is!! Maybe you think noone will click on it, and take your word for it? (LOL)

Truth is, not even you can cover that up with nonsense and talking in circles. I didnt dodge a thing, I addressed you with the facts as straightforward as is possible to do. ITs as clear as the nose on your face. The data clearly shows Declines steadily and across the board as stated. These things you say "didnt change". That in itself would be enough to NOT support the program. They were SUPPOSED TO CHANGE. FOR THE BETTER!.

They didnt. Number of adult does bred declined significantly. Number of embryos had a downhill slide, and the timing of the breeding window according to pgc did not change at all.

As I said, the annual report (which you kindly provided link to) shows the declines.

Ebryos per doe?

Gee. Great improvement chief! (LOL) [8D][8D]

Percent of adult doe even bred dropped from 92% dropped down to the most recent year on the chart which also happens to be by far the lowest level on the chartat 87%!

Wow. Successful deer plan there bro! (LOL)[:'(]

What does that mean? FAILURE.

Throw in with all this the losing of hunter numbers at over double the national average and anyone can see that continuing such undefendable asnine antics as pgc is doing isbordering oncriminal.

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