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Old 11-22-2008, 09:52 PM
Fork Horn
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 200
Default RE: PA lady in OL


The problem is that many of the comments weren’t made by the people that they are credits too. I strongly suspect the comments came from just a very few small minded people that have little to noreal knowledgeaboutMs. Davis other then she supports sound scientific wildlife management and has an environmental degree.

In some small minds anyone with an advanced education, instead of just an opinion, should be the subject of ridicule.

Those that posted that nonsense should be ashamed but on top of that they should also be held accountable for their gutless behavior and slanderous comments. The people that would make such disgusting and rude comments are really nothing more then a disgrace to the hunting fraternity.

R.S. Bodenhorn
RSB does Mrs. Davis have a degree in beer biology, vetenary science, biology, ecology or zoology with emphasis in mammalogy (the study of mammals), ornithology (the study of birds) you know the answer its no. her degree is in entomology (the study of bugs) she is far more suited to a position in the PA fish commission. Its funny you never elaborated on her educational shortcomings. What other state would even consider a person without proper training for such a leadership and policy making role on their Game commission. Her consideration was due to her support of policies that have split the hunters of PA in ways PITA could only dream of. Dont believe me hunters of Pa google her and find out for yourself who she iswhat she stands for andher background
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