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Old 11-21-2008, 09:42 AM
Fork Horn
skin_dog1's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 262
Default RE: Why you video?

because I'm a few cards short of a full deck....
because my elevator doesn't make it to the top floor....
because I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer...
because I'm about as sharp as a bowling ball....
because my shoe size is larger than my IQ....
because I'm blonde....
because I was dropped on my head as a baby...

Can you guess that the deer season hasn't been so nice to me and my video this fall? Sometimes I ask myself this question and don't have an answer. Then there is that day that videographers dream of and everything works out, the video is something special, the hunt is even more special. Then I forget about the rough times and bask in the glory! lol
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