Forums - View Single Post - Hot zone for the does...take one out, or leave them alone?
Old 10-27-2008, 08:21 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Location: Cogan Station, PA
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Default RE: Hot zone for the does...take one out, or leave them alone?

Matt, interesting comment about not concentrating on their feeding areas. I'm not doubting you, and it makes sense to an extent, but you see people do it all of the time (I know a lot of people on here are currently setup hunting doe feeding areas), but what I like about your thoughts isn't even related to buck sightings, it's the fact that staying off the food source lowers my risk of getting stuck in the stand as light fades. I ALMOST was busted tonight getting down by a late comer to the plot (a small doe).

Here's a topo/arial of the area I was hunting and let me know what you think:

The light blue is the food plot, the orange dot is my ladder stand (I mistyped's my NE stand, not NW), the small orange lines are the main entrance routes the deer have been taking. The red is one area I KNOW is a bedding area, although they don't always enter the field from that western end. Spot "B" is the location of my one hang on stand that I usually hunt in the morning (the orange line there not only is their travel routes, but's a logging road as well). This is where I passed a small 6 point two weeks ago on a morning hunt. Should I try this spot in the evening, or should I move a bit further west, and into what are basically large stands of pines/hemlocks. I'm thinking this could be a nice spot tomorrow with the high winds that are forecasted.
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