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Thread: 09 Admiral
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Old 10-24-2008, 03:51 AM
drunkendude's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Malacky, Slovak Republic
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Default RE: 09 Admiral

3D and short ATA bows...

I would agree with above post on this but considering the "technology" and "rules" now and yesterday I should say this.

Most of the short ATA bows perform incredibly well (maybe better) for 3D Huntingwhere the terain and elevation is used. In last 3trainingsI had to kneel down, shoot 25% downhill or shoot from a stand. Most of the long ATA's had terrible problems to get a a good shot. I had my troubles there too, even had toput my 30" stabilizer off the bow so I could shoot. Many people do not realise it but the 3D changes and it's pretty fast.

Many people complained about the new engagement of the whole competition so I asked the organizators about whats wrong and if it's according to rules to make the targets in such an"weird" areas. They told mefew things which made me think and agree with them.

"3D shooting should get as close as possible to real hunting environment and situations. thats why it has been found."
"Our goal isn't to separate the 3D equipmet from Target shooting equipment. It's to separate 3D shooters from Target ones."
"There is almost everything allovedto use (equip), so just use what you would hunt with!"
"Don't tell me you would hunt a bear from the ground at 25 meters! Thats where it would hunt you instead..."

Thats only a handfull of good points they made and to think of it now, I could come with even more of this. The whole place is now under test andthe targets still move. But it clear now, it gets harder for long ATA's.... Right now a half of the 3D targets is on places where short ATA's can't be beaten. The other half still gives me hope.

My last thought of this is: It is an awesome idea! Now everyone's in the same boat.
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