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Old 10-09-2008, 12:24 PM
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Default RE: I had a guy pull a gun on me this morning.




Since when did we become this pitiful neutered society where everyone is SOOOOOOOOO afraid of what the crazy person MIGHT do if we call the police /cause "problems" or turn them in?!
It's really quite sad that being afraid of retaliation empowers people like this to do whatever they want.

Who's to say he doesn't go out the same night and rob a convenience store with that gun and shoot the clerk?

For the love of God people get a pair, stand up for yourselves and do the right thing.
Brandishing a firearm at another person in PA is a SERIOUS crime.

The second the gun came out 911 would have been called on the phone........."hey assclown, guess what I have the state police on the line, why don't you just hang loose til' they get here." He's going to SHOOT you over a broken bow and you hunting where he doesn't like? Get real. He's trying to bully you out of your spot which is exactly what he did.

So what are you going to do NEXT time you go in there? cower in fear at every twig snap?

Seriously what the frig happened to the United States?
I agree, but then again, this is an easy stance to have hundreds of miles away without a gun pointed at you. People react differently to different situations. Like you said, you cant fear retaliation by turning in criminals.

But, I HIGHLY doubt ANYONE would yell hey assclown i have the cops on the line to a whackjob pointing a pistol at you. Sorry, just dont buy it. Call cops yes, confront guy yes, tempt man pointing gun at While he most likely was trying to bully hunters out of an area, what if he was some doped up druggie? No one knows how that guy would react, something isnt right up in the noggin if he is walking around with a broken bow and pulling a pistol on people, why push the limits and see just how crazy the guy really is?
You don't know me very well I guess.
I just don't take kindly to someone trying to intimidate me, gun or not.
(Here's a hint too.........I keep .357 licensed reasons in my pack why nobody is going to pin me in a tree with a pistol)
In PA as I understand it you have to have a reasonable ability to retreat from such a situation.
If you are stuck up a tree with nowhere to go and someone is waving a gun at you? Got news for you.........if you truly feel threatened for your life you can shoot the guy.
IF you don't feel that level of threat then you should have the ability to push 3 little cell phone buttons and call the police.
If you've done neither you are either very easily scared, or exaggerating the level of threat.

You mean to tell me if you REALLY feel threatened by this individual you are going to do NOTHING? and hope he and the situation goes away and you'll come back some other happy sunshiny day to hunt there? LOL

This is 21st century central Pa we're talking about not the19th centuryfrontier America where we have to worry about outlaws and mask bandits. The guy has a home somewhere and a life and he needs to be behind bars.

Stick up for yourself and call the cops even if it's after the fact.
Whether he realizes it or not, he was violated and had a crime commited against him, and a serious one at that. This wouldn't be taken lightly by the police.

My order of events in that tree would have been:

-Ask the guy what the hell he was some terms, choose whatever words you like (Maybe I wouldn't have called the gunweilding guy an assclown but I'd sure be thinking it. LOL)
-Cell phone in the other hand 911 dialed and finger over the SEND button
-The secondthe gun came out 911 would be dialed and my .357 would be in my right hand.(Not pointed at the guy or even visible unless I felt truly ready to kill someone in defense of my life..........waving you're own weapon could make a bad situation worse)
-I would advise the 911 dispatcher of my location with a description of the events as they are unfolding and inform 911 that I am licensed to carry and armed myself.
-With the footnote that they might want to hurry.

We have a 2nd amendment for a reason...we now have the right to carry a licensed concealed weapon as a bowhunter in PA for a reason.

Seems like today you're either someone willing to stand upto people who belong in jail...........or you're a victim.

You got me all wrong. I'd stand up for myself or call the cops as well. Having a pistol on you as well, isa whole nuther ballgame. If I had a pistol too, I'd climb down and probably confront the guy.

I was just sayin that perched in a tree with only a bow, isnt a very safe place to be tempting some jackleg with a pistol by screaming hey assclown im callin the cops. Tough guy or not, that call is made in silence.
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