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Old 06-05-2003, 06:43 AM
St. Croix
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 91
Default RE: Crop Rotation

This is the rotation we use mainly on our farm in Western Wisconsin. We have been active in Nitrogen Crediting and minimum tillage practices due to the severe slopes here. Corn - Soybeans - Corn - New Seeding - Hay - Hay - Hay. Not sure what to say on the barley, never grown it before. I would think it would be close to an oats crop and could be usefull as a cover crop and planted with your new seeding and then harvested when it heads out. If you wanted to plant it more often you could work that in with your corn rotation. When you harvest your barley (if not planted with other legumes) try and plant winter wheat after harvest. This adds nitrogen to the soil and also gives the deer something to munch on late fall and into the spring.

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