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Old 09-23-2008, 12:16 PM
nfleming399's Avatar
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Posts: 75
Default RE: Bowfishing legal question

When I attended college, I went to a small 2 yr school. I'd say 75% of male students and 25 to 35% of females were hunters and/or fisherman. Regardless of this fact, however, the school would NOT allow us to possess any weapon while living on campus, including of course guns, and bows both compound and X. They insisted that in order to legally have them we needed to check them in at the local PD where they'd be kept in the meantime. While a good portion of the dorm students did this, I risked keeping my bow locked in the truck because i hunted roughly 45 minutes from school and didn't want to screw around w/ it at 4am every time i wanted to go out in the morning. But you're absolutely right, they are just covering their butts if anything was to go down. I even attended before the Va Tech tragedy. Can't imagine how much harder it might be nowadays. I'd say talk to the pres. or someone else higher up. Explain the benefits and explain like you did to us how you're careful and responsible w/ it. Good luck!
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