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Old 09-05-2008, 09:30 PM
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Default RE: How you get rid of the raccons

I personally prefer SafeGuard brand traps. I have used them for over a decade and they keep on going. I have yet to have one damaged by a captured animal, can not say that for some of the other well known brands.

You are most likely dealing with females and their pups. It is that time of year when momma teaches the kids how to be raccoons.

Not sure what the situation is but generally this time of year I will set several traps, 4 - 5 or more, in the general area of the damage.

One trick is to set the traps so they all are touching. This way when the family starts getting caught they will walk around the cages until another open door is found. I have done this and caught a raccoon or two in every cage, cleaning out an area in one night. Make sure the cages are staked to the ground so they do not move when an animal enters.

I prefer and make my own baits. I use fruit based and scented baits so that I do not catch cats or other unwanted nocturnal visitors, Skunks. Fish bait attract cats and other non-target catches. Plus in the hot weather, the fish will dry out becoming useless. Peanut butter will catch squirrels in the daytime creating more work for you.

Try apple halves behind the pan and trail strawberry puree (daiquiri mix)from the apple, through the cage and out the door about 2 - 3 feet. Mashed bananas mixed with some corn syrup can be used as a trailing scent. Blackstrap molasses can be trailed or mixed with whole kernel field corn and allowed to ferment for a few days.

Good Luck!

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