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Old 05-21-2003, 09:52 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Salem VA Salem, VA
Posts: 753
Default RE: T/C Encore question.

I' ve been saving up for one, and hopefully will have it by deer season. I' m thinking my first barrel will be the 7mm-08, then the 12 guage turkey barrel followed by the 12 guage slug barrel... etc... etc... etc.... [8D]

I think they are a great gun, shoot great and you can' t beat the versatilty. E. Arthur Brown runs some nice packages for barrels, which include a barrel, mounts, rings, sight removal and a Swift scope. I' m going to buy my revicer first at a local gun show then will proably order a barrel from somewhere else like EABCO or

Good Luck!
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