Forums - View Single Post - Look what my buddy found lurking near one of the stands yesterday!
Old 08-12-2008, 07:13 PM
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Default RE: Look what my buddy found lurking near one of the stands yesterday!

Well, I didn't want to start an argument, but I am going to put my two cents in since I did. If we see rat snakes or anything that is harmless we let them go. The rat snakes actually do a lot of good job by eating up all them little field mice. But if there are rattlesnakes hanging out within 10 feet of our stands, well, their gonna get whacked. Thats just the way it is. I have seen to many dogs die from snake bites in general to really give a darn if the snake isn't bothering me, especially when its that close to where I am going to be walking at 5am come next week.

As for what he killed it with, I am not sure, but probaly either a pistol or a shovel. This close to season we don't tote any long guns in the woods because the season opens on 8/15 and the Game Wardens are on the look out.
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