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Old 08-12-2008, 05:46 PM
Goose 11
Nontypical Buck
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Default Great bowhunting book...

I like to read hunting books and watch hunting videos during the summer. It keeps me close to my passionand on top of the newest innovations in the hunting industry.After turkey season, Istart putting out minerals, looking for shed antlersand locating new stand locations.Other than these short times in the woods I am left to live vicariously through the hunts of others. I've just finished reading a great book about bowhunting whitetails. I had enjoyed reading articles by the authors in Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, and because of their great articles I decided to buy the book.

The bookis titled: "Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails" by John and Chris Eberhart. In the book they cover the usual topics found in deer hunting books, but from a very different perspective. As the title denotes,John and Chris hunt "Pressured" whitetails in Michigan. My first blog indicates thatI believe the deer herdin South Alabama is among the most pressured in the country. And this book really spoke to me as a bowhunter. They have experienced all the same frustrations that I have. They too recognize that deer in places like Iowa, Kansas, and Illinois are just easier tokill than deer that experience much more pressure from hunters. As the authors point out, most videosand TV shows are filmed in locations that receive little if any hunting pressure. As I watch some videos, the hunter is talking and moving all around and the deer never even notices him. That situation is just not reality for most of us regular hunters. Inthe woods I hunt, if you scratch your nose 20 feet up a pineyou can be picked off by amature buck 100 yards away.

I encourage you to check out John& Chris Eberhart's book, "Bowhunting Pressured Whitetails" Their web-site is:
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