Forums - View Single Post - Antler Restiction programs ...are you for or against them?
Old 08-05-2008, 05:28 AM
Dominant Buck
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Default RE: Antler Restiction programs ...are you for or against them?


If you just enjoy the challenge of hunting whitetails and getting outdoors, and or youre after meat, then theres plenty of Does to shoot.
Believe me...I understand where you're coming from....and from a personal (not saying this about YOU) standoint.....I selfishly agree with you.

But it ain't all about ME.

I know too many guys who couldn't care less about killing a monster buck.....but they sure like to hunt for "A" buck. I'd just hate to deny them (the guy who gets to hunt 10X/yr) of this.

EAB? Sure! EAB (with a caveat that 2 had to be harvested before a buck could be legally taken)? Bravo! THAT would serve our purposes (in NC)a LOT better than AR's. (IMO) Plus.....NOBODY would be telling a man he couldn't shoot ANY buck.

Gary makes a great point about EAB and BB mortality. It's a double-edged sword. I don't know the answer.

But in NC.....HOW is the "mature buck/trophy" hunter helping with our "issues" (too many does)? He isn't. He's part of the problem (if he's not part of the solution).

How would (and I don't know the answer) limiting the number of bucks taken (via reduced bag limits) not serve the ame purpose as AR's (in the end)? Less bucks taken can't be a bad thing. And....if herd balance/structure is our REAL goal...wouldn't this be a means to an end?

I don't know. I'm aksing.

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