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Old 07-15-2008, 09:28 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default you gotta see this (pics)

Well I stopped by a friends today and it seems they have a new friend on the farm. Seems they saw this fawn in the ditch and it wouldn't move for 24hrs...... it sat in the same spot. They first saw it and figured they would leave it in case the mother was coming back. They went back the next day and it was still there in the same spot. So they brought it home to the farm. Turns out it would suck. She tried for 2 days..... splashing in its mouth and then finally it hit the bottle. She fed it lamb formula as that is what the vet said would be best. After 3 days on formula it started eating leaves....... but still gets formula too. Actually it bleats when its overdue for milk.
Really cool if you ask me. Teh woman(I won't name names) doesn't intend to keep it. She figures when HE'S ready to leave he will. She just wants to give a chance. She knows it would be an easy target in the future but at least she gives him a chance.
I won't name names b/c it not legal here. The CO's would come out and shoot it on the spot. I agree with her and won't ever tell anybody her name but I don't think many people would around my part of the country. Give it a chance....... he might make something of himself.

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