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Old 04-27-2008, 06:51 PM
Buck Magnet
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Default RE: Team 3 Turkey Contest

Congrats Frank, that bird is.... well.....ummmm..... unique He looks like an old warrior.

My first day didn't go exactly as planned. I got set-up in the morning on the edge of a green field. As it started getting light the gobbler lit up about 150 yards behind me. He was pretty fired up so I waited until I figured that he was getting ready to fly down and did a few soft yelps followed by a gobble on my box call, and he went crazy. He started triple gobbling and wouldn't stay quiet for more than 30 seconds. Well, as the sun started comming up I heard him getting closer, then he started getting further away I shut up knowing that this was the only green field near these woods and I was set-up close to where the turkeys always enter it. After about half an hour I did a few soft yelps without any replys. I waited around and about 15 minutes later I look out the corner of the blind and see a turkey step out of the woods about 10 yards to the right of my blind. It was a hen, I knew that I had the bird, afterall, I watched the field Friday night and only say that gobbler and one hen. I got my bow ready knowing that he would be on her tail following her out of the woods.... well, he never did! I sat there and watched her feed out through the green field and back in towards the woods. I sat there for over an hour after that without hearing/seeing any more birds and I packed it in. I then decided it was time to go fish Yellow Creek, get to the road and it is lined in cars, must have been over 300 cars at this one little spot. It was "Kids Fish Day" and the Yellow Creek Trout Club had stocked in the morning and they usually dump in tons of rainbows with the smallest being 16". I gave up and headed to a small stream that gets hardly any pressure and found a bunch of trout, but the water was so low and crystal clear that they were very skittish. I worked salmon eggs, nightcrawlers, and mealworms past a nice brown and he was scared of everything. He would quickly swim away from any bait when it got within 5 feet of him. After that, I admitted defeat on the day and just headed home to watch the NFL draft!

I am not sure if I am going to hit the woods in the morning before work or not, I will definetly be out before work on Tuesday though. Good luck to the guys who are still out there!
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