Forums - View Single Post - Bullets causing lead poisoning in our game meat?
Old 04-15-2008, 09:51 AM
Fork Horn
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 159
Default RE: Bullets causing lead poisoning in our game meat.

Swampcollie is right on as to waterfowl and their gizzereds. Earlier posts were on human cosumption and or other mamals.

I have been tested for lead and other contaminates due to my job and never have had any test postive. I have eaten lead shot in game and yes swollowed lead BB sinkers throught the years and no issuses. Now my brother who was a flied superviser for a very large paint contractor company has had lead posisoning due to exposer with paint/paint applications.
P S its anyones guess how much lead wheel weights are linning the sides of your public roads and hwys.
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