Forums - View Single Post - How would you like to pay taxes on what you kill?
Old 04-13-2008, 06:38 AM
Giant Nontypical
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Ohio
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Default RE: How would you like to pay taxes on what you kill?

ORIGINAL: Hoytail Hunter

The yearlyharvest on deer alone in Wisconsin is at least half a million head. That is potentially half a million deer/car collisions that hunters are saving the state. So we should pay alot of moneyto the state to save the state a lot of money on top of the alot of money we already do pay? This kind of thinking is what's partially to blame for our current economic crisis.

For the record though, I would agree with this idea on one condition, that there be provisions made for an open season on law makers.

On a serios note historically speaking when a revolution starts those involved in law the wealthy and clergy are the first to go. If you haven't I'd read some of that history before going on the "record".

There was a march on Londonin the 1300's as the people were being very oppressed.The town was taken over by the people and a group of slim balls took control. They hid their faces when they carried out their "cleansing" (robbery is more like it) of the city. They wore

white hoods. They started with the above mentioned and when they were gone and their wealth seized they turn on the towns people in their thirst for more.

******Reason for edit*******
I'm sorry I got 2 stories mixed up, the white hoods were about a french revolution/cival warin the early 1400's in Paris,not London England.ALondonrevolt was started by a man named Tyler over a poll tax in the 1300's.

Been a while since I've read either.
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