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Old 01-20-2002, 09:44 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 2,540
Default RE: Recurve or Longbow?

VC, If you can find a used Martin Hatfield takedown or someother takedown bow you can start with a lower draw weight and as you improve or desire buy new limbs to increase weight. I have a Martin and two sets of limbs, 50 and 60 lbs. The draw weight is determined at 28 inches so the same set of limbs will vary from shooter to shooter based on thier draw lenght.
I have to agree that it is less complicated to shot instinctive than with sights when using either the long bow or recurve. You will amaze yourself on how fast you can pick up on your instinctive skills with a bow. Just don't try using logic or thinking about it if that's possible in your species.
Unlike your compound you need to cant your stick bows when shooting instinctive.The big thing for me is to always cant the bow the same amount to get consistent results.
You've got a lot of good advice already. Good luck.
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