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Old 02-07-2008, 06:45 PM
Nontypical Buck
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Default RE: How Do I Respond to Anti-Hunting Comments


ORIGINAL: DropTine249

Understand where and why this lady feels this way, without sympathizing.

Then, if she is NOT an vegan, its easy !!

Say, ma' eat steak, chicken, veal, pork and fish, correct ?

Now, you tell me that shooting a deer is horrible, and it is mean and murder. But, when you eat a steak...that animal was raised on a farm. It was told what to do, when to do it. If it didnt want to do it, it was forced to do it. I was fed high yield foods, steroids, hormones and fattened to a wieght that was unhealthy for its bone structure. Then, when a PERSON deemed that this animal was prime for YOUR CONSUMSION, it was quickly killed and cut up.

It never lived for itself or did its thing, the way it wanted to do. It was a slave, to be killed.

Now, when I eat a venison steak, that meat came from a free-ranging animal. That animal did what it wanted, when it wanted, how it wanted. There was no human impact, or input, telling this animal what to do. This DEER, fed on natural food, made avaliable by nature. Itmingled with other deer, slept, fed and bred.

Now, when a hunter takes to the woods in an ATTEMPT to harvest an animal for its meat, he is at a GREAT disadvantage. The animal RARELY losses !

In order for myself, or another hunter to harvest a WILD, FREE RANGING animal, we must defeat EVERY LAST ONE OF ITS HIGHLY TUNED AND REFINED SENSES, which is amazingly more difficult that you would ever imagine.

So, this doe that I harvested was not murder. I will be feeding my family with an animal that got to live its life, the way it wanted too, until is was humanly harvested.

Then, throw this in. In nature, only the strong survive. So, by harvesting this animal, I have lessened my chances at a future harvest, why ? Because, her genetic make up was inferior to that of the other deer whos senses I could not defeat. The other deer were stronger, so to speak, for refined and smarter. By harvesting the deer that I did, she will not pass on her inferior genetics, therefore, the more superior genetic deer will live to pass on their smarter, more kean genetics. ( I have actually used this BS statement, haha).

You also must explain that if it were not for hunters, deer and other animals, would reproduce themselves to death. Their numbers would become too high, deseases would become more prevalent, and food sources would dry up. In turn, the animals would start to die off, and eventually, be endagered and then gone. By keeping their numbers within the carrying capacity of the land, we, as hunters, are helping to ensure that these beautiful aniamals survive for a long time, and YOUR grandchildrens children get a chance to experience them !
+1 here, too many people don't even understand the concept of what hunting really is.

Now Huntress, go out there and stick on with an arrow, and then you'll REALLY be ADDICTED!!!! I've laid my guns down as far as deer hunting goes for the past 5 yrs, because it's far more enjoyable for me to take my bow and get withing 25 or so yards and shoot them that way. And most of my bowkills have died quicker than a LOT of gun kills do.
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