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Old 01-20-2008, 06:30 PM
Fork Horn
Join Date: May 2004
Location: carroll, IA/ Mountain Home AFB
Posts: 175
Default FOB's are the poo!!!!!!

I was kicking around on the internet the other day and ran into the FOB sight. You all know we are tinkerers by nature so i dicided to try some out. I called up the number and got in touch with a really good guy that had alot of good info for me. We talked for a while and he took my order and wanted me to fallow up with him to let him know what i thought. I like that kind of customer service and relations. I am very impresed with that alone. So i recived the FOB's on friday and ran out to try them out. WOW. They fly awsome. I didn't do anything but cut the fletchings of my arrow and put the FOB on. They are supper easy and you can literaly flech a arrow in about 5 seconds. They shot awsome with no change to my bow. So if you are looking for something new to try out this year i would give these a try. they are well worth the money and the very little time it takes to try them.
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