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Thread: Boom Flop
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Old 01-16-2008, 06:16 PM
Fork Horn
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Tupelo, MS
Posts: 173
Default RE: Boom Flop

Thanks for all the congratulations and compliments. I was having a hard time finding a place to put my blind, there weren't any tree tops or anything around that looked suitable where I wanted to set up. I just put it in the best possible place where I was wanting to hunt that had some backdrop to it so the blind wouldn't be skylined. Got it up, set up my chair, got the windows situated, hung up my shelf, got my camera out adn set back hoping to see something I could take a picture of or maybe a hog to shoot. We hadn't seen much in the way of deer or sign, except for fresh hog sign everywhere, and it was late when I finally decided where to put my blind, about 4:30 or so. I figured I would just get everything set up for the next morning's hunt then wait for dark and sneak out. Just as I was getting settled in for the wait i cought some movement out of the corner of my eye....deer.....A SHOOTER! I grabbed my binos but couldn't get a good look, there were a few small trees between us and he was headed straight at the blind. Realizing he was closing the distance fast I grabbed the Omega, eased it up and found him in the scope. Just as I got him in the scope he turned to his left at about 60 yards and stopped...he had seen the crosshairs settled on the sweet spot.."make sure"..I glanced at his main beam and it was outside of his ears "yea, he's good".."window" I glanced at the end of my barrel that was pointed dead at the edge of the window, raised it a bit, eased it forward out of the window a bit and laid my cheek back against the stock, the crosshairs settled again, I began to feel the trigger pressing against my finger through my glove and he started walking off at a fast walk "BAAAAHH," I hollered but he wasn't stopping, he was about to go behind some big trees and I started to pick him up on the other side but I had a gut feeling he was bout to bug out. I swung to the right frantically trying to get the crosshairs to where I wanted them, they finally made it to the back edge of his shoulder and hung there for just a split second as he finally stopped for one last look BOOOM!! Through the smoke I could see his feet desperately searching for some dirt, his front feet found it and up came his head and a shower of red filled the air, deep down I knew he was done but I wasn't taking any chances so i grabbed a reload and struggled to calm my hands enough to get in the barrel, but it was a mute effort by the time the bullet seated against the powder he was still.
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