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Old 01-16-2008, 12:43 PM
Dominant Buck
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Default RE: Targeting Mature Bucks

Darn right those were my words, that's what I'm asking.... miles, feet, inches..... how far?

Do you only have one spot? Or for example is it like you have a 40 acre spot of all woods and they feed and bed outside of your spot?

In northern Wis. they yard up and can travel miles to do so. Just wondering what exactly you are talking about summering and wintering in different locations in a southerly state where the weather is much milder than up here.
How far.....? any given time......inside of a mile.

Do I only have one spot? No. I have several. But....they're ALL in the same vicinity....and none contain ag. fields or bedding areas. So....yes....they feed and bed outside of my spots.

Idon't claim to know a thing about where you hunt.....where the deer you hunt yard....or anything about them (other than I've seen your gamecam photos and you sure seem to have a BUNCH og bigguns up there). What I'm saying got 200 acres of land that can't be hunted, legally. The deer use that as their sanctuary. On 3 sides of this have ag crops. On the fourth ag crops. The deer use the ag crops for their summer feeding.....and use the mast crops on the fourth side for their winter feeding. get the occasional groups that use the 4th side for browsing during summer months.....but for the most part....they don't "summer" in this area. Come winter time, the ag crops are harvested. This happens a little before the rut....and their transition to the "winter" feeding areas coincides "fairly" nicely with the rut.

So.....i got the food and the girls when the rut kicks in. Prior to that time, would be like selling brussel sprouts at the high school football game on the visitor's side......while the home team's giving away steak Kabobs. Where would you hang out?

When I tell you I know where the deer ARE, here.....just understand I don't make this stuff up. I know where they're eating and what they're eating. I just don't have access to them when they're on the side where the food is in the summer.
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