Forums - View Single Post - Bowhunters - do you root against the gunners?
Old 12-11-2007, 11:10 AM
Fork Horn
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 298
Default RE: Bowhunters - do you root against the gunners?

ORIGINAL: quiksilver

BG - I never claimed to be a champion of the starving masses or the needy. But I'll humor you...

I donate about $50 a year to thanksgiving and xmas food drives, and took a new football to the Stuff-a-bus for poor kids. The stark reality is that $50 and a football is where I draw the line and say "enough for you, the rest is for me." I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that I am doing everything in my power for the good of the needy.

I'm adult enough to admit that I am putting myself in front of those less fortunate. I have a commodity (food) that is in need, and I choose to keep it for myself (except for $50 in canned food that I take to my mom's church). I do it because I'm selfish, and i'm not willing to starve myself so that those less fortunate can eat. It's human nature, and we all do it.

Everybody does it- it's all about where you draw the line. How far are you willing to go?

I say that if you are going to come here and claim to the world that you "support all hunters" carte blanche - then it is what it is. You should do everything in your power to help them, even if it means letting a total stranger come over to your place and shoot a deer.

If not, just admit that you're being greedy, and hording your deer for yourself.

It is what it is.

Where do I draw the line? Friends/Family. I'd put any one of my buddies or family membersin my best stand in the peak of the rut, whether I was tagged out or not. That's just how I roll. Outside that narrow circle - everyone else can fend for themselves. Maybe that makes me some kind of hunting antichrist, who knows?
Thanks...very reasonable...and I think I probably agree.

My point is..... that you probably still wish the poor and hungry kids in your community all the best. You hope they are happy and don't starve and have a fun Christmas. But there is a line you can't help them all. Just because you draw a line does not make you a hypocrite. You genuinely wish them the best and you support just aren't willing to open your doors to eveyone. Nothing wrong or hypocritical about that.

The same is true when it comes to supporting fellow hunters. It is possible to wish them all the best and support them, without being a hypocriteif you don't allow the masses to hunt in your stand. I think there is somesimilarity there.

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