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Old 11-04-2007, 05:53 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: New Orleans, La. USA
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Default Warning- Don't Ruin your hunt!

Yesterday I get up and make it out to one of my favorite climbing stands. I get up in the tree figuring to make it a pretty long day. Say 6-2. About 11:00am I am really getting thirsty but reallize I forgot to grab a botte of water. So sitting there in the tree I start digging through my backpack looking for a candy or just something and I find a half full bottle of water from who knows when. Well I just drank it down. About 12:00 I see a doe walking my way so I get my bow ready and at twenty five yards she lays down behind a bush to bed. About 1:00 she still hasn't gotten up and my stomach is starting to churn. Fifteen more minutes and I am cramping and can't get down the tree fast enough to release. I get back to camp and for the next four hours I am curled in a ball with 102 fever. Today I am better but still sore all over.
The point is don't EVER drink an opened bottle of water if you don't know how old it was. Doctor said it had to have a level of bacteriaa thousandtimes normal. I will never make that mistake again. Empty those backpacks out.
Eric Stacy
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