Forums - View Single Post - 25 Official Team The Bone Collectors Thread
Old 11-02-2007, 09:56 AM
Typical Buck
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Norwich CT
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Default RE: 25 Official Team The Bone Collectors Thread

Had my first buck,up close, this year, this morning!! The ground is all tore up on this ridge I've been hunting, so I brought the Tinks with me this morning! Just at shooting light I blew a half dozen doe bleats, about 5 minutes later I here the familiar crunch of leaves behind me! I turn around to see a decent half rack! He had 4 points on the one side, and the other was broke off right at the skull!! The g2 was about 8 inches long, and he was just about even with his ear. He came right in down wind of me and at about 15 yds he winded me. He blew and turned and bounded a couple times and stopped perfectly broadside at 20 yds! Head behind a tree and everything! He sat there and studied the terrain for about 3 minutes, then he circled me never getting more than about 30 yds! He walked right over and took a big whiff of my scent wick loaded with Tinks!! He was within 30 yds for about 15 minutes. He just stood thereby my scent wick looking around trying to find the doe! He finally gave up and slowly walked away!
Had he had both sides of his rack I would have taken him for sure!!

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