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Old 02-23-2003, 02:34 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: lower se arkansas
Posts: 51
Default RE: Wierd things you' ve seen while hunting!!!

this happened to a friend of mine four years ago in south ar. to a friend of mine. opening morning of turkey season he was headed to a gobbling turkey when three stray dogs attacked him (rotweiler,catahoula, and some kind mixed-breed). the catahoula was coming in behind him and the other two from the front. he turned and fired on the catahoula from the hip(we think he shot straight up) at about six steps missing him totally. needles to say turkey left the area. the next morning as he was headed back in to a gobbling turkey he felt a tug on his snake leggings as he was skirting the edge of a big mudhole. he looked down and there was a 3-4 foot long cotton-mouth with a mouth full of legging. after all the screaming and dancing was over with the mudhole was dry and he knew not when or where the snake departed. he got in his truck drove to another area and was lucky enough to get on another gobbler.he was looking through a pine plantation as he was sitting down. the ground felt sorta squishy so he looked down. he had sit down on top of a chicken snake. after his previous experience it might as well been an alligator.these screams also caused the turkey to leave country. now my friend is a die-hard turkey hunter so he was out early the next morning,heard a gobble and got set up on the turkey. after fooling with the turkey 2-3 hours(it was henned up) he decided to leave. as he put his hand on the ground to push himself up, he noticed a copper head had crawled to within three feet of him. needless to say hunting was over with for him and he spent the rest of the day in camp with some liquid fortification. after his three days of incidents no one blamed him.
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