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Old 10-30-2007, 12:19 PM
Giant Nontypical
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Default RE: 13-Official Team 13 Thread

I'm coming down with a major illness on Thursday. Whitetail Fever. Hopefully an all-dayer will result in me getting to turn an arrow loose on an Ohio bruiser! Low deer densities in the areas I'm hunting, though. Lots of long, boring hours. Hopefully, a little chasing will spice things up.

130- that's a great buck your buddy killed. Sounds like your QDM program is really showing results! I'm sure you're only a step away from cleaning out one of the big boys, buddy.

SDH - that's a tough break man. You're another one who's on the verge.

Duke - that's a major-league deer your homeboy Justin layed out. Congrats man. I know you guys have been doing a lot of camera fieldwork trying to get something going. Good to see the time and effort pay off. Now it's your turn!

GGNY - Time to put those doe tags on ice bro. Good thing you've got them out of the way, and the freezer filled. Time to focus on the big dogs.

16pt - Good luck in KS buddy.

I'm one of these ultra-competitive people, so I really want to win. No doubt in my mind that we can do it. I hate losing at anything. LOL Probably a personality flaw, but what the heck. I run with it.
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