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Old 10-16-2007, 12:40 PM
Fork Horn
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Northern Virginia
Posts: 216
Default First Turkey with a Bow

I went bowhunting last week, hoping to bag a whitetail for the freezer but...

I got in the woods and up in my stand plenty early -- about 30 minutes before first light. It was cool and breezy, and as the sun came up the wind picked up. I saw one yearling deer around 9:00 and I let it pass as I was looking for "Momma" - but she never showed.

Along about 11:00 I got down from my stand and figured I'd stalk some, walking "cross-compartment" and using the wind to cover my sound. Lots of rolling terrain down there. Well, as I crossed the third finger and approached what is normally a swamp, but this year,due to the drought is a meadow, I saw 9 birds walking through the tall grass. I slowly moved into position, and when I was a close as I dared move (I didn't have a call with me - because I didn't expect to see any turkeys), I took a shot at an estimated 30 yards. Well, my arrow fell about 10 - 15 feet short! A couple of birds raised their heads to look around, but none spooked. So I nocked a second arrow, adjusted my aiming point, and...

First bird on a bow -- hell, first kill of any kind with my bow! Wasn't the biggest bird in the group, but presented the best shot for the bow.

Tasted damn good, too!!!
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