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Old 10-15-2007, 10:08 AM
Marko B
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 133
Default RE: 3 year comparison

Horns change... a LOT... facial characteristics don't.

I've seen deer put a drop on his right side as a 3 year old... then on his left as a 4 year old... then back on his right as a 5 year old... then have it on both sides as a 6 year old.

I've seen deer have double split brows at 5 and then never have them again.

I've seen deer put on a drop after never having one when they are 7.

I've seen deer have non-symetry points as a 3 year old... and as of yet... not have them now for the last two years...

Horns change.
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