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Old 10-01-2007, 08:10 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 83
Default RE: Bowhunting Gator

That's right, the slotted retriever with the 4 or 600 lb. spectra line (I like the 600) is the only way to go with archery gear. Either the solid glass or the carbon-aluminum shafts with detatchable muzzy gator points will work. I lean toward the solid glass for two reasons, they are almost indestructible and they're cheap. We've had a gator break one carbon-aluminum this year and another was bent pretty bad. The detatchable heads are a must. Some of our hunters use our harpoons and we will usually also put a harpoon point into a big bow-shot gator if the hunter doesn't mind. With that harpoon line you can really put some pressure on a big lizard and that can be very important in an area with a lot of trees and snags.
In some of our areas the gators are bit up pretty bad too. A lot of missing feet and tails. We took what should have been a twelve-plus that had three feet of his tail and two feet bit off. On others, you can see that the foot was wrung off instead of bit off. When a gator bites, he rolls and something's got to give.
One of our hunters from Finland (Juha Kylma) brought a professional camera-lady and she filmed and edited his hunt to show on a European hunting show. I see that you do the same type of thing.
That is a super buck you've got there. Where do you deer hunt?
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