Forums - View Single Post - No respect for my 'NO TRESPASSING' signs...
Old 09-26-2007, 07:15 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Camden County, Missouri
Posts: 1,019
Default RE: No respect for my 'NO TRESPASSING' signs...

I feel your pain, I had nice aluminum backed signs attached to my fence and they were all stolen! Don't know if they were after the aluminum or the free signs or what. Instead of attaching to the fence, I put them back off attached to trees and they have not disappeared yet.It is a sad state that we even have to put up fences and post but in my state my DNR agent told me they won't even prosicute unless it is posted. I have had tires dumped, trees cut and even had thereflectors stolen from my drive so feel lucky.Trespassers are scum criminals already but when stealing it is criminal trespass. Hang them if you can!
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