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Old 09-10-2007, 11:39 PM
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Default RE: scouting for deer and found POT!! i think

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Planter, you have an appropriate username for this thread.Yes, alcohol kills more people than any other drug, and it's legal. Go figure![:@]It's also the ONLY drug that can kill you when detoxing. Intresting huh? Anyway, I've never heard of a multipal fatality crash because someone was smoking pot. Not condoning its use, butas far as the drug world goes, pot's at the bottom.
a lady within the past year was drivin down the road stoned in her car. she swerved into the other lane and took out a group of 6 guys on motorcycles. 1 Died, 1 lost a leg, 3 others were injured. These were all great guys in Bowling Green, not to mention very wealthy. Just some friends who went out for a ride, but now one is dead and another is confined to a wheelchair. Probably would have flown under the radar if it wasn't for the social status of these guys.[&:] I guess now youve heard of a weed caused car accident.

i dont see how you guys drag alcohol into the picture, the question isn't over if alcohol is as bad as weed, it is simply about is weed bad? YES. so is alcohol, i would never judge someone for smokin weed because IMO it isn't any worse than alcohol, but then again it is ILLEGAL, so iwould have called the police the day i found that patch.

after readin all these pages i think i need to light one up with Geterdun[8D]NOT.
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