Forums - View Single Post - Help me learn about deer "displacement"
Old 08-28-2007, 07:08 AM
Dominant Buck
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Default Help me learn about deer "displacement"


Man jumps big buck while riding his ATV through a thicket. This occurs more than once over a period of 2 months.

What are the odds this deer packs up and moves FOR GOOD from his home range? I have no experience with I hunt fairly unpressured deer. I honestly don't think I could pressure the deer I hunt out of their home range. I might make them avoid ME (i.e. they've patterned ME). I might make them go nocturnal (again...patterning ME)....but I don't think I'm going to "displace" them by simply bowhunting them.

That's my opinion. I could be wrong.

What say ye?
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