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Old 08-04-2007, 05:46 AM
Dominant Buck
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Default RE: One deer states.....2 deer states.....ramblings...

Nobody got "pissy" Scott. I just don't see the point in continuing to spin the original position of the thread around. Thats all. Never got pissy. I'm sure everyone can develop a scenario that fits their idealogy.

I was stating why I believe many of these guys views and yours do not see eye to eye.
Then why don't those people just ask what they want to know? I've gotten PM's too, Scott. What exactly do they want to convey? I'm not sure what you're even trying to get across, here. In particular....there are two mature buck hunters on this board that I speak to behind the scenes. I asked them their thoughts on my questions (and others) and asked if it rubbed them wrong the way I asked it. Both said no. So....I trust their judgement. Nobody need take this personally or make it about "them"/"me".

I just stated that no matter what.....the bar is always being raised.

Don't make this confrontational. It isn't. I CONCEDE.....if you try hard can come up with a cenario that has a hunter hunting less......seeing less deer.....taking less deer.....passing on less deer.....studying less about deer.....watchingfewer informative shows about deer.....talking less about deer......scouting less.......managing their property less......and STILL gaining more "experience".
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