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Old 08-03-2007, 08:45 AM
Giant Nontypical
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Default Cabelas... hunting gear in general.... random complaining

So yesterday, I had some free time and went to Cabela's. They're having their annual "tent sale" so I thought I'd ride down and see what they had.

First off - I went in to try on some camo (wanted to buy a set of lightweight scent lok in Predator Deception camo) - of course, they didn't have it in stock.

This will undoubtedly result in me ordering said camo, trying it on, hating it, and then having to drive down there and return it.

So, while I was there, I did try on about 300 sets of camo, just to see if there were anysets that I really liked.I hated all 300 sets. Apparently, I'm really finicky about hunting clothes. It seems like everything you try on either "crinkles" likeyou're wearing aplastic Walmart bag, or feels like you're this guy:

Did notice that Under Armour has entered the hunting clothing market, but I wasn't too nuts about their stuff either.

Also wanted to have a look at their spotting scopes (which were all over-priced). And I wanted a big bag of rayzr feathers - which they didn't have either. Nice!

The guy at the optics counter didn't seem to know much about optics, which wasn't good. I left there scratching my head, wondering how that guy managed to get through one day at work - knowing basically nothing about what he's peddling...

Tent Sale: Sucks. Everything in there is still priced above the actual market price. People just buy it b/c they think they're getting a good deal. It's all sold "as-is" with no returns, which is a total rip-off. That's fine for clothes, but they also had a lot of customer returns of items that were likely broken, missing pieces, etc. (also horribly over-priced for non-returnable customer returns). Seriously, what kind of idiot would buy a customer-returned set of Motorola's for 15% off regular price when the tag says "Doesn't Work" on the packaging?

Pop Guns: The whole place is filled with tourists who have no real intent of buying anything (like me). The thing is, they bring their kids, who invariably find these huge bins of "pop guns" (pictured below). One kid hears another kid with one, and he has to have one of his own - Monkey See, Monkey Do.

They parentshave no actual intent of buying the toys, but the nonstop "popping" seems to pacify the rugrats while Dad shops, so they parade around the store popping those things like John Wayne. I swear I'm gonna hear that popping sound in my sleep for the next three weeks. God bless those people that work there. I'd snap. No doubt in my mind.

One good thing about Cabela's is their exceptional staff:they had a hot blondeworking the bargain cave counter, and anice brunette working the camo section (both WVU undergrads). So, that made the shopping experience a lot more pleasurable. If it wasn't for getting to schmooze with those two, I'd have probably not had a very enjoyable experience.
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