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Old 07-05-2007, 10:19 PM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 375
Default RE: Xbows in Petersen's Hunting

at least one letter writer admitted that he had no first hand experience with a crossbow, the others just made it painfully obvious!!!!

The one that said he had no experience was back to the draw/aim/fire controversy. I know I for one am a new xbow person by necessity not choice. I find it much harder to hide the motion of rising the bow with horizontal limbs in a vertical world without being caught much harder than hiding a drawing motion behind the vertical compound....not to mention the awkwardness of those horizontal things while in a tree stand. Man, limbs appear you had no idea would be a problem....even entire trees become an issue!

That said, I find it much harder to raise/aim/fire the heavier, more awkward xbow than any compound I have ever taken to the woods. But then again, I am new to the sport.

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