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Old 06-22-2007, 10:27 PM
Arthur P
Giant Nontypical
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 9,175
Default RE: Center the Pin Guard in the Peep?

Why would all the sight manufacturers now be using round pin guards if it wasn't widely accepted. Why would it be widely accepted if it didn't have benefits over older methods?
Oh my.... I've seen it happen so many times and I could get myself into so much trouble answering THAT loaded question. So I'll just keep my opinion to myself.(cough, coughfad, cough) [8D]

The shop I shot for is closed down now, so I don't have access to a bunch of different stuff any more. I really don't want to dump a hundred bucks on a sight with a round pin guard, so I'll have to pass on your offer. Thanks anyway.

I did put my Toxonics slider on my bow today. Round housing but the pin is centered in there. So even if I do align the housing in the peep, the pin is also going to be automatically centered.

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