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Old 01-17-2002, 03:40 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 1
Default RE: Motion sickness?

I can't remain silent on this one! From commercial fishing experience, and also being on Superior a lot I want to say MOTION SICKNESS IS NOT "ALL IN YOUR HEAD". In fact, even salty old Coast Guardsmen can get seasick when forced to perfom in stormy conditions. I would say EVERYONE gets seasick, but people have vastly different tolerances.

The good news is an over the counter medicine called "Bonine" (active ingredient is meclazine, I believe). It is WAY better than Dramamine and doesn't make you sleepy at all. My experience is that Dramamine can make things worse because the drowsiness it causes makes you less able to move with the ship, or whatever.

What really ticks me off is when people who have a high motion sickness tolerance give bum advice like keeping a full stomach. There is nothing so awful as being out on a plane, or especially a boat, vomiting every few minutes and knowing you're trapped for hours!

Get yourself some Bonine and enjoy the day!
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