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Old 05-22-2007, 03:23 AM
Kiwi Nate
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 4
Default RE: Hogs and Wind?

Hi Nathan, I am a Hog Guide in New Zealand (see my site we a are geographically different, Iwill add my two cents on the subject"the feed is gone so where are my pigs!?" based on my own experiences (stuff ups)

1. I Put feed out in afternoon, come back next morning to find no pigs. Day two the pigs arrive. I believe thisis caused by my scent putting them off the area for far longer than the actual time the scent has been left behind, they seem icredibly cautious.
2. Heay rains bring earthworms up, pigs will sometimes forfeit baits for a chance to fossick for worms. It pays to open a pig's gut up (if you canget one!) to find out about its diet.
3. Wind- everything hates the wind.
4. 11AM and 3:30PM pigs- Sometimes pigs will get into a routine of feeding during these periods. You may try hunting between 9AM and 1130AMand for an evening hunt trybeing at your hunting area by 3PM. These times are more relevant in wet overcast conditions.
5.Rotation. Pigs like to have a rotation. Still hunting is best done over three or four areas. Give eacharea a set period of time, perhaps three quarters of an hour,then move on toyour next spot.
Hope this helps, Cheers, Nathan (too)
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