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Old 01-11-2003, 07:40 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: sandown nh USA
Posts: 40
Default RE: Do you think this shot is fatal?

I had the same thing happen to me , high hit 20 yards away my arrowstuck in the side she turned I could hear it banging off trees it broke off , there was blood all over the arrow up 10 inches, no blood trail, It rained soon after and all night and the next day, I found the deer after 4 days she must of layed down and not moved we must have allmost stepped on her seaching, she was not 80 yards from my stand I found the coyote boned carcass and the rest of my arrow but it was a kill shot so keep checking.when she ran she was low in the front.and not jumping.IT did make me sick that I couldnt find her so I have a new bow with one sight this will help me with my yardage problems
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