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Old 03-28-2007, 09:26 AM
Charlie P
Boone & Crockett
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Default RE: Is this cheating?

Found this on the NYSDEC site.

Q. Can I use a light to see my way through the woods when I go hunting?
A. Yes. You may use a 2 cell AA battery pen light to see your way, as long as you are not hunting or even looking for deer with the light.

This is NYS definition of hunting.

To hunt—means to pursue, shoot, kill or capture (other than trap) wildlife and includes all lesser acts that disturb or worry wildlife whether or not they result in taking. Hunting also includes all acts to assist another person in taking wildlife

So I believe if your sitting in your stand really early in the morning a DEC officer that wanted to be a jerk could write you up for hunting before legal hours. If your in your stand couldn't he very easily determine you are pursuing game?
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