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NY/Al 09-16-2008 02:06 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.

ORIGINAL: SouthDakotaHunter


Jason-sounds like your doin good things with the bow, whens your season start up again???

Al - My season opens Sept 27. However with the wife due Sept 28, this looks to be the first year ever that I won't be hunting on opening weekend?? But I should be able to pick the bow back up in October.... Who knows, maybe I'll be able to sneak in a couple of hours on opening weekend- just depends on how things are going...

May be one of those deals where from a 'political' standpoint, I have to give in a little bit for more slack later in the season.... :D
Hey man nothing wrong with that. This bow hunting stuff is fun but the family must come first!

But on the other hand, what were you thinking 9 months before sept 27th?! Thats like rule number one! Never have kids planed during hunting season, let alone on opening day!:D

quiksilver 09-17-2008 07:31 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Jason... Justgive this to your wife, she'll understand.


Hunting Release Form

Dear Jason's Wife:

Please let Jason go hunting. It is imperative that he goes hunting. The hopes
and dreams of millions depend on his success this season.

Yours Truly, Team 13


If that doesn't work, maybe we can all chip-in and buy you one of those pampoose backpacks, so you can take Jason Junior out there with you.

So I shot bow and went spotting last night. No video (never stopped back home to grab the camera). Saw some nice deer, but the big boy wasn't out at the new farm. I saw 2 other vehicles spotlighting in the area, so I can imagine what they were looking for.When I was out there on Saturday, the landowner told me that he's been seeing a lot of spotting traffic, 2-3 every night, double that on weekends. So, I'd say that the big buck is wise to those shenanigans already. Glad I started early and got to see him before he became light-shy. I'm sure he's still around, just staying out of the fields and being more reclusive.

Al: I mailed your broadheads yesterday. They should be there before the weekend. Don't sweat the postage, buddy - just "pay it forward" to the next guy.

Danno: Heading up to the camp this weekend?

Daniel: Been shooting the new bow?

Duke: Any action yet?

130woodman 09-17-2008 07:49 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Yes I am heading North for the weekend. I hope to leave at noon on Friday so I can get in the night hunt.

Jason I wish you and your wife best of luck in the baby venture. It's great to have a little 1. Dude you could have planned it a little better.;)I made sure I stayed away from my wife durning that period.

Al you ready to mount those antlers for me? Like I said if you need the practice I don't really care how it turns out. Just trying to help out the youth with there dreams.

My neighbor has been working out of town so he hasn't checked the cameras but i think those f'ing acorns are dropping.Everytime they start falling the deer just disappear. Theres a large Oak stand across the street and is covered in thick white pines makes it impossible to hunt. I might hang out right next to the road and see where they are crossing and get in there Sunday night.

BlueRanger1 09-17-2008 12:10 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Whats UP Guys!

I drove around my best area sunday for the first time this
year.And boy did i see ALOT of nice deer.I think the best
one would go 160 or so.

NY/Al 09-17-2008 02:54 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Check out my new toy!

quiksilver 09-17-2008 05:35 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Al - that's a sweetass bow, buddy. I love the elites. Barnsdale limbs on there - top of the line bro. Is that the GT500 or the GTO? My Iron Mace and your Elite are really close in specs and components. You'll have great luck with it.

I bet you're like a kid in a candystore. LOL

BR - when does your season begin?

Speaking of bows and such - I have 2brand new (still in package) Golden Key TKO dropaway rests sitting here at the house. Do any of you guys want one of 'em? It retailed for around $70, but I bought a bunch of them on a going-out-of-business clearance for like $3-a-piece (mismarked price, so I emptied the rack). I think I bought 9. Gave all but 2 away.

So, I'm keeping one for myself for a rainy day (if I ever get sick of the Whisker Biscuit). The second one needs a home before it gets old and out-of-style.

If any of you boys wantit, just say the word.I don't want anything for it - just let me know how it works out for you after you get it mounted. Another dust collector in my archery box. LOL I've really gotta stop hording this stuff.

SouthDakotaHunter 09-17-2008 08:45 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Thanks for the release form! I'm sure it will do the trick:D

Don't get me wrong, I'll still make it out hunting opening week at some point. It just won't be to where I normally go on opening weekend (which is on the other side of the state)...

Great looking bow Al!

Good luck up north Dan!

BlueRanger - sounds like you are on some sweet deer!

Mike - hope you're working on earning that buck tag!!

NY/Al 09-17-2008 09:03 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Fran, its the GTO. Your damn right im like a kid in a candy store LOL. I got home from college at10 and was up till 2 getting all my accessories on it and playin around. I love this thing! I took the sight off my old bow which had the pins set at 10-20-30 and without chaning the space between them they are 10-30-50, shes a smoker!

Danno-If ya still want those mounted, send em my way, i finally got the shop done so ive got some workin space and could take it on. Got a cape? If not thats no biggie i can scrounge one up. Good luck huntin!

Exactly one month till the ball drops here in NY, i should be all aquainted with the new bow by then, and surely ready to put some meat on the table!

quiksilver 09-18-2008 02:32 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Well gentlemen, my final non-hunting weekend of 2008 is just around the corner. If time was moving any slower right now, the clocks would be spinning backwards.

I would've liked to have spent a day over the weekend glassing in Ohio, but there's just no time. I have rehearsal dinner tonight and wedding tomorrow. It's an overnighter, so I won't get home until Sunday. I'm leaving the door open for a Sunday scouting trip to scope out some new areas, but I'm probably going to bank up a little bit of wife time that afternoon. I might even be Husband-of-the-Year and do all of the housework. Score some Brownie points. You know.

You guys that aren't married yet . . . you'll soon come to learn that there's a distinct measure of politics that goes into keeping the woman mildly satisfied, and keeping your hunting dreams alive. I use the words "mildly satisfied" because, unlike men,they will never be "happy." It's just not in their genetic makeup.

dukemichaels 09-18-2008 03:34 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.

I use the words "mildly satisfied" because, unlike men, they will never be "happy." It's just not in their genetic makeup.
True dat.

Sorry gents.. I've been real busy lately. Between the season opening.. Justins wedding.. work.. and getting rental peeps in.. its been non-stop.

Looks like your all getting ready for the season. Some good deer being seen.. some new equipment.. soon gents we'll be on the board.;)

130woodman 09-18-2008 07:46 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.

Man did you hit that nail square on the head.

ORIGINAL: quiksilver
You guys that aren't married yet . . . you'll soon come to learn that there's a distinct measure of politics that goes into keeping the woman mildly satisfied, and keeping your hunting dreams alive. I use the words "mildly satisfied" because, unlike men,they will never be "happy." It's just not in their genetic makeup.
I worked everything out I will be in the stand Friday by 3:30 if everything stays the same. I love how my wife is trying to plan hunting weekends.
Kim-If we leave early Friday we can come home Sunday afternoon.
ME- who are you riding up with.
Kim- when do you want to come back
ME- Sunday night.
Kim- but we got back so late and I was so tired on Monday.
ME- Welcome to hunting.

Night is the best time to hunt by me so I do everything in my power to stay there.SO if I nail 1 Sunday night It has to be my best shot so I We can get home for our daughter. Back when it was just me and I shot 1 on Sunday night I could just stay up there until I needed.

quiksilver 09-19-2008 07:22 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.

ORIGINAL: 130woodman

ME- who are you riding up with.
LMAO! Dan, you crack me up man. Good stuff. I can totally relate. Sometimes, all you want to do is escape . . . and there is no escape.

Last night, Kelly went to bed early, and WVU was getting their asses handed to them, so I figured I'd just crank-up the game on the radio and go for a spotting ride. Lots of traffic last night, and a few other spotters were out. I videoed two runt bucks pushing and shoving. Saw nothing bigger than an 80" 1.5. Slow night. The bigger bucks are getting spotlighted heavily right now, really getting light-shy. I expect a sharp lull in my sightings until late October.

130woodman 09-19-2008 09:06 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Well it's off to the great outdoors. I'll let you guy's know what happens. I have a good feeling about today I don't know why. It's going to be like 80 degrees.Until next time have a good weekend.

Fran do your wife a favor stay away from the bumper cars.:D

dbleyepatches 09-19-2008 09:31 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Sorry I haven't checked infor a while, work has been brutal. I had everything ready to go for the opening weekend and then we got a wind out of the west so both of my stands would not work. We NEVER get a west wind here so this was completely out of the ordinary.

Still shooting the new bow and got the Slick Tricks shooting right with my field points. Looks like I will get some hunting in this weekend on Sunday or Tuesday.

I put out some of that mineral powder on the ground and I have a ton of traffic all along our creek but I don't have a trail cam so I am not sure if there are any bucks. Scouting has been a little slow, I have seen a few does and fawns. I got a quick glimse of a big deer last night near one of my stands but could not see if it had antlers.

SouthDakotaHunter 09-19-2008 09:38 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
That’s funny stuff guys! :D

I myself have run into a fair amount of resistance over the years. But your right Fran, you have to pick your battles. A little bit of attention goes a long ways. I also try to avoid making comments that can come back and haunt, giving the wife future ammunition… I told the wife one time “that sometimes you have to do things that you don’t want to do” – don’t even remember how that comment related to hunting at the moment. – but if I had a dime for every time that phrase has been recited BACK to me, I’d be a millionaire! :)

Not to long after we got married she was giving me a really hard time about hunting. So I took the opportunity to drive home the fact that hunting is here to stay… I hunted for 30+ days straight - there were days that I didn’t even really want to go out, but I sucked it up, just to prove a point – LOL

Now, she doesn’t seem to complain much about hunting time as long as I show her some attention as well. I would describe that 30+fall of hunting as the ‘turning point’ with regards to hunting and its place in the falls hierarchy of activities.

NY/Al 09-19-2008 09:08 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Awesome stuff guys!:D

I'll be hittin the woods tomorrow to put out trail cams and hang a couple stants. I'll take some pics of good sign if i see any.

Good luck to the guys hunting, and the guys dealing with their wives![8D]


quiksilver 09-22-2008 07:56 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Any luck this weekend Danny? I got your text that you saw a small 8, but that was the last I heard.

Mike, have you been out much lately? Are you hunting with Tony, or just doing some local stuff around home?

Daniel, good luck man. Hope you get the wind you need soon.

This weekend was a huge bust for me. I was in a wedding, and it soaked up the entire weekend. Last night, I could've made it out for a while, but I paid-it-forward and took Kelly to dinner. :) She sniffed-out my ulterior motive of buying more hunting time, but I'm clear for the next two weekends.

I've got a lot of potential stand sites for the Ohio openerthis weekend, but my hot acorn stands from last year aren't producing mast this year. So, I anticipate flying by the seat of my pants for the first 2-3 weeks, until theactivity through my rut funnelsstarts to ramp up. I have my eye on a few areas where there might be some mast - oaks that weren't fruit-bearing in fall '07.

dbleyepatches 09-22-2008 07:58 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Tonight I finally get to start the season! Hoping to head out about 2:30 this afternoon. The trail that passes by my stand looks like a highway so hopefully some huge drop tine buck comes strolling by! I'll keep you posted.

130woodman 09-22-2008 10:37 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Daniel Good luck make us proad.;)

Fran it was a slow weekend a total of 4 deer. I think I know why. Saturday moring I saw a wolf, he was about 25 yards away. Then Saturday night I saw a wild dog trolling the woods. Those 2 running my deer off. There hitting the cranberry's and the 2 food plots I put in September. It's all night action.

WWe had a new buck show up Wednesday I would really have to talk myself out of shooting him. I'll post the pic later. Rough day at work.

130woodman 09-22-2008 11:44 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Ok got a couple of Minutes

130woodman 09-22-2008 11:45 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
This is the 1 I might have to let walk.

130woodman 09-22-2008 11:47 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
This is the view from my back porch this weekend, got to love fall.

SouthDakotaHunter 09-22-2008 06:24 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.

ORIGINAL: dbleyepatches

Tonight I finally get to start the season! Hoping to head out about 2:30 this afternoon. The trail that passes by my stand looks like a highway so hopefully some huge drop tine buck comes strolling by! I'll keep you posted.
Good luck!!! If you put in your stand time, it's just a matter of time!! :D

Dan - nice pics! Have a feeling your close!!

quiksilver 09-23-2008 09:27 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Jason - when does your season open up? This weekend, right? I'd imagine your wife is about ready to go at any time. Good luck with that, when the time comes.

Daniel - any action on stand?

Danno - Nice pictures! Did you plant that field? What's in it? Man, it's flat out there. LOL

130woodman 09-23-2008 09:38 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Those are oats in that field andyeah I planted it. I like my land flat and my women stacked. lol

SouthDakotaHunter 09-23-2008 11:44 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.

ORIGINAL: quiksilver

Jason - when does your season open up? This weekend, right? I'd imagine your wife is about ready to go at any time. Good luck with that, when the time comes.

Yes, the season opens this weekend. At this point it looks like I'll be in the stand, but all that could change in a second..... Looking like the weather is going to be 'typical' early season, 60-70's. Regaurdless, it's going to feel great to get back in a tree stand!

Which reminds me, I still have a lot of stuff to gather up before Saturday!! :D

NY/Al 09-23-2008 02:14 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Good luck this weekend Jason, with whatever pops up!

Dan, love the pics!

quiksilver 09-23-2008 02:24 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Good (non-hunting-related) news: I've got an actual job interview for an actual good job on Thursday morning. I guess that means that I get to go out and drop $500 on a new suit tonight or tomorrow. Ugh. I'm not sure if I should be excited, or feel like I'm about to get ass-raped by some cheap suit salesman.

On the plus-side, since I'm taking that whole day off work - I'll be spending the balance of Thursday in Ohio - walking new areas and scoping out a few stand sites for a potential opening-day hunt. Score one for the good guys.

If I get the job, I'm hoping that I can fenangle a week "break" between jobs - so I can hunt my ass off. I don't care if it's a million degrees and the woods look likea jungle. Something will die.

Jason - glad to hear things are going well with the pregnancy. Do you guys have any names picked out yet? I think "Francis" is a great name. It's unisex, so it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl. LOL J/K

Not sure if you guys are into sports or not - but it looks like a couple of us will really have dogs in the hunt this fall. Duke's Cubbies are in the NL playoffs, and my Nittany Lions are 4-0, poised to break into the Top-10. Anybody else have any teams sniffing for a championship?

NY/Al 09-23-2008 05:24 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Look out Fran we havnt been this good since I was 2!:D

130woodman 09-23-2008 06:06 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
The Brewers are going to choke.
The Packers well I think Rogers is going to fold
The Badgers look good

quiksilver 09-24-2008 09:23 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
The Badgers are scary. We've got them this year at Camp Randall. Tough place to play. Al - I like the Bills to go deep into the playoffs this year. Pozzy is a beast at MLB. My favorite pro player.

I went spotting last night - deer everywhere. I counted 189 deer, saw probably 50 bucks. The downside is that the spotlighting pressure is really getting heavy. I saw at least 4 other guys out shining. No sign of any big bucks, but I bet I glassed at least 15 nice looking 2.5's. Tons of 1.5's. Idid glasstwo bucks at a pretty long distance that looked like they might push PY.

SouthDakotaHunter 09-24-2008 11:15 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Here's a video ofa buck that was recently filmed only about 5 miles from my house.... I don't know what he would score, but I would think upper 2's??? The buzz is starting to grow around here among locals - just hope some bastard doesn't poach him....

130woodman 09-24-2008 11:21 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Holy hell Batman. Do you get to hunt him? That is a good buck

quiksilver 09-24-2008 01:03 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.

WOW! Great Googly Moogly that's a big sonofa....

Tell me that you have a treestand site within a mile or two of where that video was shot!??!

dbleyepatches 09-24-2008 04:10 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Saw nothing in the stand. Did see a fawn and another doe with a fawn when I was leaving. With all of the corn still in, I wasn't surprised that I did not see more.

NY/Al 09-24-2008 08:08 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Holy smoked Jason! Put a cork in the wife and go get him! He sure would help our standings!

SouthDakotaHunter 09-24-2008 09:01 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
I wish I did have a stand over there.... So close but yet so far away[:@]

I have been asking family if anyone knows anyone that owns some land over there but no luck so far....

130woodman 09-25-2008 10:22 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
I was playing with photobucket. I think I got it.

130woodman 09-25-2008 08:40 PM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
Ok boy's who's all going hunting this weekend.
Mike? Justins Wedding
AL I know you still have a couple of weeks.
Danno a big yes Friday afternoon.

quiksilver 09-26-2008 11:44 AM

RE: Official Team 13 Thread (Returning Champs) The Dark Horses.
I'll be hunting tomorrow, but I'm not on deer.

After the interview yesterday, I went out to Ohio to trudge through a million different places that I'd mapped-out in shed season. As it turns out, it's a terrible year for acorns in that area, and 95% of the trees are not producing. That complicates things in a big way. I expected at least ONE of these oak groves to be producing heavily. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

Even the acorn-producing trees that I DID find are putting off a very weak mast. Just a few caps laying around under them. Small acorns. Low production. Ugh.

It's too early yet to spend any time in my rut funnels, and with the acorns spread so thin, so is the sign.

Forecast tomorrow calls for rain. I'm sitting on a weak-producing white oak tomorrow a.m., and then as soon as the rain begins - I'm hopping on the shoeleather express and finding some trees that are putting down some nuts. I pride myself in scouting my ass off and being able to nail down a deer fast, but it looks like nothing will come easy this season.

Since it's a weak year for acorns in the area, I think I'm going to scout a few areas where there are bigger-crowned oaks, along the field edges and hillpoints. Usually, the bigger crowned timber yields a more reliable acornproduction.

Danno, I'll haveyou on deer when you gethere.

Interview went pretty well, by the way. It's competitive, so we'll see what happens. I tried to woo them with my awesomeness.

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