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Old 03-16-2007, 09:48 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: NY
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Default RE: Help out a small bowhunting club (need some ideas)


Your area is probably saturated with other Bowhunters and shooters. Perhaps the "old guard" initimidated those that were looking to join. You should have an open house. Maybe set up a 3d range or target shoot and welcome the public to see what is offered along with seeing the trend towards new memebers. A very modest fee and maybe a pot-luck dinner for all who partake in the festivities. This will generate intrest and raise a few coins.
The "old guard" is definitely a double edge sword. On one hand they scratched and clawed for the last 30 years to stay afloat and keep the club alive and well......they have busted their buns for decades as dedicated advocates for hunting and fishing. They have done an unbelievable amount of good for the outdoors and our sport with what they had to work with...............but they are also set it their ways BIG TIME. That needs to change if we are going to beef up the bank account. They fear a massive influx of members because they have always been small and I think they are afraid it could start to get away from them (control) so to speak........but at the same time they are begging for "new blood" to give the club a boost. A couple more members is possible but I think they would balk at a huge population increase.

We are having a party/raffle/beer/band event in a few weeks that usually provides the most cash flow for the year.

I like the 3D idea but the cost of 30 targets is prohibitive at this time.

Thanks for the input..........I will run the open house thing by them.
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