Forums - View Single Post - at work today in walmart i saw a fella with a glock on his hip
Old 03-14-2007, 12:43 PM
chr103yod's Avatar
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Posts: 317
Default RE: at work today in walmart i saw a fella with a glock on his hip

If you guys want to know what the laws are in your state check out Here in PA it is perfectly legal to open carry and I don't see anything wrong with it. I got my concealed carry permit a few weeks ago and it was super easy. No, I don't need it but it's my legal right to have it. A lot of guys make fun of people who carry guns calling them Rambo types or paranoid, but how many stories have you seen on the news about some psycho shooting up a mall or a Walmart? It may never happen to you, but what if it does? It's not paranoia it's just being prepared.
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