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Old 03-13-2007, 12:27 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 278
Default RE: The Sickening Trueth About.....

alsagr: If you are talkin to me, then I am not in Maine. It would be nice to be in Maine because their coyote population is better than ours.

As far as for every coyote we shoot you have many more. Again I agree. OK is way more predator rich than the NE, hands down.

And if you really did call in 7 at 1 time then great. But, just because you have shot alot of coyotes and they come running to your best impression of a dieing rabbit doesn't mean you know everything about coyote behaviour. Very few people do and I am not one of them. What it does mean though, is that ya'll must have some very hungry coyotes around there.

I have talked to hunters in OK and have a dvd that was shot in OK. I have seen and been told about the differences between here and there.

But, that is not the issue at hand. The issue is, are coyotes pack animals or not?? I say no.

You say you don't need to ask any coyote "expert" since you have killed hundreds, everyone can always learn something new regardless of what they think they know.

If you would like, I can give you names and numbers of some established OK coyote hunters that you can call and even hunt with. Maybe you can get yourself in their next video.
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